the magician - rael delacroix

clan - race: mixed - elezen+hyur
gender: ♂ (he/they)
age: late 30's
orientation: pansexual
origin: old sharlayan, the northern empty
element: wind
cardinal direction: east
colours: black, silver, neon hues
temperament: sanguine
enneagram: the investigator / the thinker
personality: intellectual, laissez faire, pacifist, know-it-all
marital status: single
alignment: chaotic good
role-play status: main/open

the adversary - topaz cabrakan

race: city-dwelling hhetsarro
gender: ♂ (he/him)
age: mid 20's
orientation: bisexual
origin: solution nine, heritage found
element: fire + lightning
cardinal direction: south
colours: blue, turquoise, orange
temperament: choleric
enneagram: the challenger / the protector
personality: cocky, hot-headed, impulsive, rocks for brains
marital status: single
alignment: true neutral
role-play status: limited

the ranger - rowan mossheart

clan - race: rava - viera
gender: ♂ (he/him)
age: early 40's
orientation: pansexual
origin: dalmasca, othard
element: earth + water
cardinal direction: north
colours: green, brown, gold
temperament: phlegmatic
enneagram: the romantic / the individualist
personality: princely, sensitive, solitary, stubborn
marital status: single
alignment: neutral good-ish
role-play status: open

closed characters >

the soldier - kaldi gorsimi

clan - race: rava - viera
gender: ♂ (he/him)
age: late 40's
orientation: demisexual
origin: golmore jungle, dalmasca
element: earth + ice
cardinal direction: north
colours: turquoise, black, red
temperament: melancholic
enneagram: the protector / the challenger
personality: honest, vengeful, loyal, short-tempered
marital status: in a relationship
alignment: true neutral
role-play status: closed

the knight - torsten anselm

clan - race: highlander - hyur
gender: ♂ (he/him)
age: early 40's
orientation: bisexual
origin: anselm town, northern ilsabard
element: fire
cardinal direction: south
colours: black, blue, red
temperament: phlegmatic
enneagram: the loyalist / the skeptic
personality: outwardly calm, berserk button, brutal, good-natured
marital status: single
alignment: lawful good[?]
role-play status: very limited

the lordling - fain perry

clan - race: mixed - hyur
gender: ♂ (he/him)
age: mid 20's
orientation: chaotic bisexual
origin: ala mhigo, gyr abania
elements: lightning
cardinal direction: southeast
colours: purple, gold, brown
temperament: choleric
enneagram: the epicure / the enthusiast
personality: flirtatious, self indulgent, naive, simple-minded
marital status: unmarried - taken
alignment: chaotic neutral
role-play status: closed

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